Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Fiat 500 model soon became the iconic car

The extras you can get for this car are surprisingly many, and it is hard not to spend more money on these than on the car itself (which, incidentally, is very cheap). With everything from Barbie make up holders to sports pedals and Italian flag badges to a soft top it can be very easy to spend a lot more than you thought on your new toy.
Putting aside looks, this car is quite a good run around, but take it out of a city environment where long distance driving becomes inevitable and it may just be slightly too uncomfortable. A jittery drive and slightly cramped conditions may not make it the best car for commuting long distances. The pros are plentiful though, and a test drive will help you to decide if you can put up with any flaws. Ask your car dealers for a longer test drive than usual so that you can really get a feel for it in many different areas. If you do decide to get this car though, one thing is for sure; you'll be in good company.
The Fiat 500 model soon became the iconic car